Al Sur Azul
“Al Sur Azul” is the name of the personal atelier of Clementina de Miranda. From her atelier in Barcelona to the world she aims to make sustainable, well-made, handcrafted jewelry that is significant enough to be passed to the next generation as family Heirlooms.

Our Name
The name of our brand comes from her origins in Argentina and he pasion from the Patagonia territory - located south from her home town of Pilar, Buenos Aires-. That place is the South -Sur in spanish-, the guiding point for all things designed by her. The things that she made evoque that place of love and passion with nature, travel and discovering old and ancient things.

She is fascinated by the historic beginning of jewelry, the ways in which the early and developing civilizations experimentally made their ways to make amazing pieces, working through and inventing techniques by trial and error such as clay-casting, iron welding, direct metal. Cherishing the difficulties of pre-industrial techniques delivering amazing and hyper detailed pieces. Etrust, Roman, Prehistoric jewelry are the reason to celebrate the imperfections and the craft.

Al Sur Azul as a project is very concerned and entangled with sustainability. Jewelry as an area that’s very everimentaly hard. Many processes of jewelry are very polluting. We try to make every decision aware of that fact.
We use stones that come from fair mining or are reclaimed from old pieces. We avoid chemical baths that pollute water and we make every piece to last as many years as possible avoiding fast fashion by making jewelry in silver or bronze.
We are strongly against fast fashion and planned obsolescence instead, we aim to have everlasting products that are durable and stay significant so you can pass them to your childrens.